Massage therapy. Relax, Renew, Recreate You.
Cupping, or vacuum therapy, is a healing therapy that has been practiced by different cultures for thousands of years. It has been recorded in the ancient Egyptian medical texts of the Ebers Papyrus and seen in Hieroglyphics from the lifetime of Imhotep. The Greeks adopted cupping therapy from the Egyptians. Hippocrates, who is know as the father of modern medicine, was a great believer in this healing modality. Greek physicians used cupping for pain, female related issues, and much more. Cupping has also been associated for thousands of years with the Chinese culture, and is a common modality used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and by acupuncturists. Cupping therapy has been used in Europe since the 19th century. In American, physicians began carrying cups as part of their medical supplies in the 1700's. One example of a modern device devised from cupping is the breast pump. As you can see, cupping therapy has a long and rich history.
How does cupping therapy work and what are the benefits? Cups can be made of different material including glass, silicone, plastic, bamboo, or ceramic. Glass, silicone, and plastic are frequently used in the spa and massage settings. They are applied to the skin by fire or vacuum pump which creates negative pressure and pulls the skin up into the cup. Traditional techniques include stationary cupping, flash cupping, and moving the cups over lubricated skin.
Cupping therapy assists in moving old blood, cellular waste, metabolic waste, medications, and toxins. The circulatory and lymphatic systems work together in assisting the body to get rid of these waste products. Blood vessels are dilated to bring fresh, oxygenated blood to the area of application to help reduce pain, inflammation, and edema. Cupping therapy can be wonderfully sedating to the nervous system promoting relaxation and better sleep. It is also a useful modality for releasing and softening scar tissue, separating fused layers of tissues, (especially effective after breast cancer radiation treatments), and stretching and lifting soft tissue. Excellent results have also been seem when used in body contouring to shape the body and reduce the look of cellulite.
MediCupping TM
I currently use the MC-600 MediCupping TM machine in my practice. This wonderful machine allows me to use various modes and suction strengths to customize treatments specific to client issues. Body contouring techniques such as cellulite reduction, gluteal lifting, and breast lifting can also be done. Breast lymphatic drainage is an excellent way to promote breast health and can be done without hands-on massage for client comfort. One of my favorite treatments is full body lymphatic drainage which moves stagnant lymphatic fluid to strengthen the immune system. A body wrap with immune strengthening essential oils can be utilized to enhance the health benefits of this treatment.
Some conditions that have had beneficial results with this type of bodywork therapy include: Anxiety, insomnia, edema, poor circulation, chronic pain, plantar fasciitis, diabetes, pneumonia, asthma, constipation, IBS, inflamed joints, headaches, pre-and post op, athletic issues, cellulite, sciatic issues, and restriction of movement due to tight muscles or pain.
Cupping marks or "cup kisses"
Cupping, when done incorrectly can leave bruising, which may be painful when touched. Cup marks are not bruises and they should not be! painful! Not all cupping treatments will leave marks. Cup marks will fade over a few days to to a week and will decrease with each subsequent session. Cup kisses are a result of old blood, medications, and toxins from layers of soft tissue, being brought to the surface for the lymphatic system to dispose of. They are a sign that the treatment is working! Different colors displayed give us insight to what is happening in the body. Pink= healthy blood circulation. Mauve= moderate stagnation. Blackish/purple= severe stagnation. Speckled color= toxins and congestion. Grey/white= blood deficiency.